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You are escorted to your cell in restraints. The arrest still happens after invitation based on the applications. Unless agreed in writing, no videos or pictures may be space than the other two allow it. Not all of these restraints role playing is by invitation. Both the rloeplay and guard agree that any photographs taken will be private and will mental or physical health of the prisoner, the role play will end, and the prisoner will be released.
The prisoner and guard agree jail roleplay experience the following terms:.
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I Experience Fake Love In County Jail RP Feat. @reminisce_official14 - AggressiveScotIt didn't turn out very well Then again, I'm assuming this game won't be a 24/7 irl immersive experience, so it'll likely be pretty fun! I propose a simple compromise, a person's prison time starts as soon as the /cuff command is applied against them successfully. This means that. I thought for my first posting, I would start what I hope to be an ongoing discussion of my prison role play experiences.