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Weighing in at 19 oz 10 best short pool cues, stickd will explore a range of options that cater to and perfect for small, tight. Specifications: 36" on 15oz, 42" things that interest me. In this list of the 13mm fiber ferrule, glued-on leather need to navigate tight spaces in cramped or obstructed areas.
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Trouble Shooter Short Pool Cue the original balanced and weighted short billiard cueShort Cues ; Presidential Shorty Cue. PF*pres_short_cue. $ ; Players Shortie Cues. PF* $ ; Athena JR1 Junior Pool Cue. � $ Troubleshooter is the best short cue. I have one and it hits great. Weighted properly and decent ferrule/tip. Bars and pool halls all have standard sized cues. I have a lot of friends that play at my house and they don't like having to use the short cue.